Application Menus

The File menu


  • The File menu gives options to manage multiple configurations.
  • The File menu gives an option to exit the application.

Load configuration >

Gives a list of previously saved configurations. Click on a named configuration in the list to close the current configuration and open the chosen one. The current configuration will automatically be saved.

Save configuration as...

Pops up a dialog to enter the name of the configuration. The current configuration will be saved under the given name. Any named configuration that was previously saved under the given name will be overwritten without warning.


Pops up a list with the names of saved configurations. You have the ability to delete configurations by selecting their names. Multiple configurations can be deleted by selecting multiple names from the list.


Exit the application.

The Preferences menu


  • The Preferences menu gives options to change the overall appearance of the application.

Language >

Set the language of the application to the language of your choice.

The Windows menu


  • The Windows menu gives options to select windows.


Pops up a window that summarizes the origin and version of the application and presents links to interesting sites.