
Reporting issues

Issues, bugs, crashes, unwanted or unexpected behavior of the MPT application can be reported at gitHub’ rspub-gui issues. If relevant, please include the latest log file.

Log file location

The MPT application is creating log files. The log file location for various operating systems can be found in the table below.

Operating System Log file location
Windows {user home}\AppData\Local\rspub\logs\rspub.log
Mac OS and Linux {user home}/.config/rspub/logs/rspub.log
Other {user home}/rspub/logs/rspub.log

Contributing a language

The MPT-team appreciates if you can and will contribute a translation of the text on buttons, menus and descriptions in the MPT application. Here is how to.

  1. Download and install the free Poedit application from https://poedit.net/download.
  2. The rspub.pot template file contains the original entries in English. Download the rspub.pot template file.
  3. Start Poedit and on the Welcome page click Create New Translation.
  4. Choose the rspub.pot template file you downloaded in step 2.
  5. Choose language (and region) for the translation you want to contribute.

Start translating. Choose an entry in the top panel. Enter tour translation in the text area below. The Poedit application may give suggestions on the right-most side panel.

Save your translation as a *.po file and contact the EHRI-team on how to send in your translation.

Alternatively you may clone the GitHub repository and issue a pull request for your translation.

If all goes well, your translation will be included in the next version release of the MPT application.